What We Believe

What We Believe


Our purpose is Revealed in the Covenant of the Church – a committment to Christ and to each other that is made by people who join this church.

“The purpose of this Church shall be to bind together followers of Jesus Christ, for the object of sharing in the worship of God and in Making His will dominant in the lives of men and women, especially as that will is set forth in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.”


The First Congregational Church of Marshalltown is free and independent but joined to fellowship with other individual churches through the Iowa-Nebraska Association of Congregational Christian Churches and National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

The Congregational Way is a way of following Christ. People of a Congregational Church do not seek to be led by a creed, but by the Spirit. Ours is the tradition of a free church, gathered under the headship of Christ and bound to others by love, not law. 

  • We celebrate Jesus Christ as the head of the church. 
  • We recognize the Bible is God’s authoritative word. 
  • We embrace the church as God’s family in faith.